Peter Lah: Between dictate, responsibility, and anarchy


Between dictate, responsibility, and anarchy: Journalistic ethics in Slovenia after two decades of democracy.

This paper discusses the state of affairs of journalistic ethics in Slovenia. For two decades, journalits have been trying to find ways to reconcile journalists’ and media freedoms, on one side, with their obligations to citizens and to society, on the other hand. Individuals who feel wronged by media professionals can seek redress in two fora. They can file a complaint with the Court of Honor that operates within Slovene Association of Journalists. Alternatively, they can press charges in the Court of Law.

An analysis of a recent survey of 400 journalists and several dozen verdicts passed by the Court of Honor revealed that while efforts have been made in this area, more could be done in the areas of formal education and self-regulation.


Peter Lah, dipl. theol. (Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule St. Georgen, Frankfurt am Main), Ph.D. in communication (Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois). Currently teaches media theory at Fakulteta za medije in Ljubljana and Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije (Nova Gorica). His research interests include journalism and media policy.
Recent publications include: “Journalism in Slovenia” (Accepted for publication by Routlege), “Pluralizem medijev: predmet arbitrarnih ocen ali empiričnih meritev?” in Medijska preža 36 (Dec. 2009) and “Mnogo medijev, pluralna družba?” Dignitas 33-36.

Zurück zur Tagungswebsite „Ethik der Kommunikationsberufe“ (2010).

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