The 2nd Ethics of Surveillance Conference: Moving towards Ubiquitous Surveillance?

Am 24. und 25.6 findet an der University of Leeds die „2nd Ethics of Surveillance Conference“ statt.

Veranstalter sind das „Leeds Humanities Research Institute“ sowie das „Centre for Interdisciplinary Applied Ethics“  und das „Institute of Communications Studies „. Die Keynotes werden gehalten von:

Prof. Gary Marx
Professor Emeritus of Sociology, M.I.T., United States

Prof. Christian Fuchs
Professor of Social Media at the University of Westminster’s Communication and Media Research Institute and the Centre for Social Media Research

Dr. Kirstie Ball  
Reader in Surveillance and Organisation at the Open University Business School, Milton Keynes

Dr. Mark Andrejevic
Deputy Director of the Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies at the University of Queensland, Australia

Prof. Charles Raab
Professor of Government at the University of Edinburgh School of Social and Political Science

Weitere Informationen zum Programm finden sich hier.

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