CfP: European Media Ethics Congress 2012

Unter dem Titel “Professional Integrity and Accountability in New Media” findet vom 27.-28.09 2012  der „European Media Ethics Congress“ in Bucharest, Romania statt.

Main Topics

The papers proposed for this edition can cover any of the following topics:

1. Self-Regulation and State-Regulation in Digital Media: new media, new rules; journalistic self-regulation in a national and European context; state regulations and censorship in digital media, verification of online sources, accuracy and corrections etc.

2. Professional Integrity and Transparency in Online Journalism: role conflict in media; accountability and interaction with readers etc.

3. Intellectual Property in Online Journalism: digital property rights; photojournalism and intellectual property theft etc.

4. Regulatory Settings for Online Broadcasting Platforms: censorship and editing practices in the broadcasting of TV and radio content; social media platforms and new moral challenges regarding dignity, right to intimacy etc.

5. Professional and Organizational Constraints of communicational behaviors, value judgments and opinions of digital journalists in social media.

Deadline für abstracts (400 Wörter): 27.04.2012

Dealdine für die final papers: 15.06.2012

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